/tmp/test.R Rscript /tmp/test.R . It is a common mistake to give na.action as an argument in the call to dredge (typically resulting in an error from the rank function to which the argument is passed through ‘…’), while the correct way is either to pass na.action in the call to the global model or to set it as a global option. By Friday morning, heavy wind and waves in the area pushed the dredge toward shore and West said they used a backhoe that afternoon to pull the boat ashore. The heavy wind and high waves were beginning to calm Monday morning, West said, and a crew planned to resume searching for the second missing man on the beach. Fine coal slurry is reclaimed from onsite impoundments, processed and mixed with coal shipped by rail to the plant from various locations in the western United States. : An Empirical Analysis of Distributions Along Elevation and Thermal Gradients Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:63-78. On Sunday, the Nome Search and Rescue team found the body of a man reported missing Thursday after a gold mining dredge overturned in heavy swells outside of Nome. and J.T. Result: Error: could not find function "isGeneric" Execution halted (slope && elev)), results<-dredge(all.parms,fixed =c("elev")), # objects created with dredge can also be used to, MA.ests<-model.avg(results, subset= delta < 2, revised.var = TRUE), Estimate Std. Tess Williams is a reporter for the Anchorage Daily News, focusing on breaking news. By making this change, a function will not work if data are missing. Neither of the men were inside the boat’s cabin, he said. The 32-foot fishing boat converted to a dredge was overturned Thursday night as it headed toward the Nome harbor from a mining claim area. Trans Alta operates 7 days per week with 4 crews alternating 12-hour shifts, (4 days on and 4 days off), and employs 12 miners. 2010. Searchers checked cabins near the shore Thursday night to see if either of the men had sought shelter, but did not find them. All three men were described as being in their 60s. One of the three men onboard made it to shore in a raft and was picked up along the highway and taken to the hospital for hypothermia. West said crews extended the search to beaches west of the debris over the weekend as the heavy winds and elevated surf shifted currents westward. At about 12:30 p.m. Sunday, a search and rescue crew member found the body of one of the missing men washed ashore about 8 miles west of the boat debris. The Coast Guard searched the area by air but West said heavy winds and elevated surf prevented them from searching by boat. Peterson, and D.L. NEVER EVER DO THIS FOR A REAL, all.parms<-lm(density~slope+distance+elev+ pct.cover, data = dater), # the dredge function fits all combinations, # of the variables in the all.parms model fit above, Global model call: lm(formula = density ~ slope + distance + elev + pct.cover, data = dater). Myers. The search for a second missing man will continue throughout the week, said Nome Fire Department Chief Jim West Jr., who also runs the search and rescue. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, # download the file directly from the website, dater<-read.csv("https://sites.google.com/site/rforfishandwildlifegrads/home/mumin_usage_examples/Example%20data.csv?attredirects=0&d=1"), # make sure all numeric values and no missing, #First, fit 4 candidate linear models to explain variation in density, mod1<-lm(density~distance+elev, data = dater), mod2<-lm(density~slope+pct.cover, data = dater), mod3<-lm(density~slope+distance, data = dater), mod4<-lm(density~slope+distance+elev, data = dater), # use the mod.sel function to conduct model selection, # what's it look like, hmm AIC with small sample bias adjustment AICc, # create a confidence set of models using the subset function, # select models with delta AICc less than 5. Dredge definition is - to dig, gather, or pull out with or as if with a dredge —often used with up. How to use dredge in a sentence. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:912-923. # only allow a maximum of 3 and minimum of 1 parameters in each model, results<-dredge(all.parms,m.max =3, m.min = 1), # fit all models but do not include models with both slope and elevation, results<-dredge(all.parms, subset= ! # select models using Royall's 1/8 rule for strength of evidence, subset(out.put, 1/8 < weight/max(out.put$weight)), # select models 95% cumulative weight criteria, # coerce the object out.put into a data frame, # elements 6-10 in out.put have what we want, df logLik AICc delta weight, # a little clean-up, lets round things a bit, sel.table[,2:3]<- round(sel.table[,2:3],2), sel.table[,4:5]<- round(sel.table[,4:5],3), sel.table df logLik AICc delta weight, # how about a little renaming columns to fit proper conventions, ## lets be sure to put the model names in a column, # replace Model name with formulas little tricky so be careful, for(i in 1:nrow(sel.table)) sel.table$Model[i]<- as.character(formula(paste(sel.table$Model[i])))[3], df logLik AICc delta weight Model, Model                 K logLik AICc delta weight, # write to a file, here a comma separated values format, # make sure your working directory is properly specified, write.csv(sel.table,"My model selection table.csv", row.names = F), mod.sel(mod1,mod2,mod3,mod4, rank = BIC) Model selection table, (Int)     dst      elv   pct.cvr slp df logLik BIC delta, #consistent AIC with Fishers information matrix, mod.sel(mod1,mod2,mod3,mod4, rank = CAICF) Model selection table, (Int) dst elv pct.cvr slp df logLik CAICF delta, # Importance weights for individual predictor variables, # calculated using the importance function, importance(out.put) distance elev slope pct.cover, # Model average using all candidate models, always use revised.var = TRUE, MA.ests<-model.avg(out.put, revised.var = TRUE), model.avg.model.selection(object = out.put, revised.var = TRUE), #Here are the beta tilda bar MA estimates, (Intercept) distance elev slope pct.cover, # you can also obtain importance weights for individual params, #create model averaged estimates for parameters in confidence set of, MA.ests<-model.avg(out.put, subset= delta < 5, revised.var = TRUE), # lets clean up a bit and write the table to a file, MA.est.table<-round(MA.ests$avg.model[,c(1,3:5)],6), write.csv(MA.est.table, "My model averaged estimates.csv"), #extract parameters and weights from confidence model set, pred.parms<-get.models(out.put, subset= delta < 5), # predict values using each model, here were just using the, # the example dataset, you could use a new dataset, model.preds = sapply(pred.parms, predict, newdata = dater), # weight the prediction from each model by its AIC weight, # the "Weights" function extracts the weights, # we also are using matrix multiplication %*%, mod.ave.preds<-model.preds %*% Weights(out.put), # elevation ranges from the observed minimum to maximum, # create plotdata data frame with mean values, plotdata<-as.data.frame(lapply(lapply(dater[5:8],mean),rep,length(elev)))), # now predict density for the plot data with each model, model.preds = sapply(pred.parms, predict, newdata = plotdata), mod.ave4plot<-model.preds %*% Weights(out.put), # plot the model averaged predicted densities vs elevation, plot(mod.ave4plot~ elev, type = 'l', xlab="Elevation (m)", ylab="Model averaged predicted density"), ## FOR EXPLORATORY PURPOSES ONLY!!! 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could not find function "dredge"